Hazlehurst City School DistrictDropout Prevention Restructuring Program
Our Dropout Prevention program aims to reduce student dropouts at Hazlehurst City schools and improve student graduation rates through research and evidence-based solutions. The district provides various programs, outreach and resources aimed at supporting academic achievement that prepares all students to successfully transition to postsecondary education options.Goals and ObjectivesTo accomplish this goal, the district is focusing on:· Dropout prevention leaders collect and use data and evidence-based practice to develop interventions, study improvement efforts, and share findings.
Programs/ResourcesThe Dropout Prevention resources are designed to provide a comprehensive, research based prevention and intervention process for students at risk of grade retention and/or dropping out of high school.The Hazlehurst City Schools has programs and resources that are available to support our students, help them be more successful in school, increase our high school graduation rate and decrease the student dropout rate. |
Click here to read our Dropout Prevention Initiative brochure - (En Español)