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Child Nutrition


Mission Statement:


The Hazlehurst City School District Child Nutrition Program is committed to providing high quality nutritious meals for our students. We offer a variety of healthy choices to fuel our students’ bodies and minds. Children can be successful in the classroom if they are well nourished.





Community Eligibility Option

We are pleased to inform everyone that the Hazlehurst City School District has implemented a new option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Option.


What does this mean for the children attending Hazlehurst City School District?


Great news for parents and students! All enrolled students of Hazlehurst City School District are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge. No further action is required. All students will be able to participate in these programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application.





Smart Snacks Product Calculator

Smart Foods Planner





Meal Prices for Adults and Visitors

Breakfast ------- $2.50

Lunch  ---------- $3.85

MDE Office
of Child Nutrition

Child Nutrition Information

Nutrition Nuggets

Allergy/Special Diet Information

 Medical Statement for Disabled Child

Medical Statement for Special Diets

HCSD Wellness Policy

Meal Charge Policy