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Curriculum and Instruction



Welcome to the Hazlehurst City School District




Curriculum and Instruction Webpage 



This page is designed to provide:

Faculty and staff with curriculum documents that align with the MS College and Career Readiness Standards


Students with online resources (such as educational websites) in which they become engaged as supplementary online activities to the standards


Parents and guardians with information on how they can assist their child at home in mastering the standards


For Parents


Active Parent

Renaissance Learning (Home Connect)

National PTA (K-12 Information)

MDE Parent Resources



Curriculum Director
601-894-1152 ext. 3204

For Faculty and Staff

Curriculum Framework
       MDE Listing 

Teaching & Assessment Strategies
     Directed Reading Thinking Activity
     Graphic Organizers
     Inquiry Chart
     Role Play
     Socratic Circles

Response To Intervention/Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Revised RTI Policy

RTI PowerPoint Uploads:
     RTI Overview
     RTI/MTSS (Updated January 2016)
     MTSS Documentation Packet


For Students

Educational Websites:

-Renaissance Learning

-Academy of Reading & Math Interventions




